The Julia Compilation Process

26 Mar 2020

A look at how Julia works in the background.

JIT Compilation

Julia has a just-in-time (JIT) compilation. This means that the code is dynamically compiled during the execution of the program, also known as the program run time. In this way the previous step of compiling the code into an executable is completely excluded from consideration.

The idea behind JIT compilation is to bring the benefits of both (static) compilation and interpretation.

JIT compilers can also do dynamic recompilation which is targeted recompilation of certain sections of the codebase when the compiler believes that the newly generated code will be more efficient, based on information not available to a traditional static compiler. This information in most cases is the run time environment in which the program executes.

How does the run time environment matter?

During run time, interpreters have access to input parameters, control flow, and target machine specifics. This information may change from run to run or be unobtainable prior to run-time. Additionally, gathering some types of information about a program before it runs may involve algorithms which are undecidable using static analysis. 1

Warmup delay

Due to the time taken by the JIT compiler to initially load the code and compile it for the first time during an execution, there is an initial lag in the runtime of a program. The Julia programming language, as a dependent of the JIT compiler also accrue these delays. This is the main reason for the repeated advice to do a warmup call on any segment of the code before it is benchmarked, so as to avoid incurring the compilation time in the benchmark statistics.

It is important to note that there are major differences between the working of Julia’s JIT compiler and that of say Python. The compilation target of Python is specialised bytecode which is then interpreted by the CPython interpreter.

In the case of Julia, there are four major level of disassembly steps which transforms the source code directly to native machine code. This adds to the compilation complexity, but in return helps Julia gain it’s much vaunted speed.

Julia’s Four Level Disassembly Compilation

We introduce the various stages of Julia compilation, their purpose and a small insight into how to utilise the information given by them. Each stage of Julia compilation has its own lowered form, an intermediate representation of the original code in question.

Let us declare and then call a test method pos(x) which will return the input argument x if x is greater than zero, otherwise it will return zero in the same type (integer/float etc) as that of input x.

    julia> pos(x) = x < zero(x) ? zero(x) : x
    pos (generic function with 1 method)

The first step is the construction of the lowered code form, which is used by the further type inference and code generation processes. In the lowered form there are fewer types of nodes, all macros are expanded, and all control flow is converted to explicit branches and sequences of statements. This means transforming the method from Julia’s high-level syntax (for example iterative statements or ternary operators) to a smaller set of common primitives (for example gotos).

    julia> @code_lowered pos(1)
        1 _ %1 =
        _   %2 = x < %1
        ___      goto #3 if not %2
        2 _ %4 =
        ___      return %4
        3 _      return x

The typed inferred incarnation of the code is similar to the lowered form, but with expressions annotated with type information and some generic function calls replaced with their implementations. The code_typed macro presents a method implementation for a particular set of argument types after type inference and inlining. More on this later.

    julia> @code_typed pos(1)
        1 _ %1 = Base.slt_int(x, 0)::Bool
        ___      goto #3 if not %1
        2 _      return 0
        3 _      return x
    ) => Int64

Julia uses the LLVM compiler framework to generate machine code. LLVM defines an assembly-like language which it uses as a shared intermediate representation (IR) between different compiler optimization passes and other tools in the framework. Julia uses LLVM’s C++ API to construct the LLVM IR in memory and then call some LLVM optimization passes on that form. When you call \@code_llvm you see the LLVM IR after generation and some high-level optimizations of the method.

    julia> @code_llvm pos(1)

    ;  @REPL[1]:1 within `pos'
    define i64 @julia_pos_17096(i64) {
      %1 = icmp sgt i64 %0, 0 = select i1 %1, i64 %0, i64 0
      ret i64

Since Julia executes native code, the last form a method implementation takes is what the machine actually executes. This is just binary code in memory, which is rather hard to read. The "assembly language" form of the method represents the instructions and registers with names and some form of simple syntax to help express what instructions do. In general, assembly language remains fairly close to one-to-one correspondence with machine code. In particular, one can always "disassemble" assembly code into machine code.

    julia> @code_native pos(1)
    ; _ @ REPL[1]:1 within `pos'
        movq    %rdi, %rax
        sarq    $63, %rax
        andnq   %rdi, %rax, %rax
        nopl    (%rax)
    ; _

We mentioned that in the type inferred step, the compiler presents a method implementation for a particular set of arguments. Let us take an example to highlight this. The entire process starts when the function pos(x) is called with say, an integer argument x = 1. The JIT compiler now knows the type of x (which will be inferred in the typed inferring stage of the compilation process). Using this information, it can then compile a specialised version of the pos(x) to handle integers. This is stored in the memory.

Suppose that the function pos(x) is called again, however this time the argument passed as x, is of the type float. The JIT compiler will again infer the types of the variables wherever necessary in the function and generate a new specialised version to handle this type of argument.

This entire feature is known as multiple dispatch. It can be perceived that multiple dispatch is similar to static function overloading, found in other languages but here the operation happens at runtime.

        julia> @code_typed pos(1)
        1  %1 = Base.slt_int(x, 0)::Bool
        └──      goto #3 if not %1
        2       return 0
        3       return x
        ) => Int64
        julia> @code_typed pos(1.2)
        1  %1 = Base.lt_float(x, 0.0)::Bool
        └──      goto #3 if not %1
        2       return 0.0
        3       return x
        ) => Float64

Type Instability

Let us declare a modified test method pos1(x) which will return the value zero in integer type rather than in the type of x in the original function, given that its return condition is fulfilled.

    julia> pos1(x) = x < 0 ? 0 : x

We can see that for an integer input x, the typed form of code is exactly the same. However, the code complexity steeply increases for a input x which is of floating value type.

The reason for this is that zero is an integer (Int64 more specifically) and x might be of any type. Thus depending one the value of x, this modified method might return a value of either type, highlighted by UnionFloat64, Int64 in the generated code. This is one example of type-instability, which can lead to slow down of code execution. One of the reasons being that the compiler has to execute more number of instructions to complete the same task (compare this typed pos1(x) generated code with that of the code generated by pos(x)).

        julia> @code_typed pos1(1)
        1  %1 = Base.slt_int(x, 0)::Bool
        └──      goto #3 if not %1
        2       return 0
        3       return x
        ) => Int64
        julia> @code_typed pos1(1.2)
        1  %1 = Base.sitofp(Float64, 0)::Float64
           %2 = Base.lt_float(x, %1)::Bool
           %3 = Base.eq_float(x, %1)::Bool
           %4 = Base.lt_float(%1, 
           %5 = Base.and_int(%3, %4)::Bool
           %6 = Base.fptosi(Int64, %1)::Int64
           %7 = Base.slt_int(%6, 0)::Bool
           %8 = Base.and_int(%5, %7)::Bool
           %9 = Base.or_int(%2, %8)::Bool
        └──      goto #3 if not %9
        2       return 0
        3       return x
        ) => Union{Float64, Int64}

One may ask why Julia enforce type-stability. Among the multiple reasons, one strikingly important one is that Julia is not a statically typed language. These type-stability issues exist in some measure in all dynamic languages. Not enforcing type-stability also allows the existence of a rich Julia type environment, allowing the inclusion of parametric and dispatch types.

Type-stability is much more important factor for Julia compared to several other dynamic languages, and the reason for this was nicely summarised by one of this language’s main developer -

"Basically we can only produce good code, possibly among the best of any code produced by JIT thanks to LLVM’s optimization passes, but can only do so for good julia code (i.e. if you follow performance tip). If you fail to do that, or write in a pattern that’s frequently seen in R/python/JS, the performance will be much slower compare to other JIT out there since the JIT for those languages has to deal with these code so they implements a lot of speculative or profiling based optimizations to get good performance." - Yichao Yu 2

In other words, Julia is a bit of a double edged sword. Written properly it can be as fast as statically typed languages with its compilation process. Written in a manner without keeping in mind the few general guidelines to the language, it can be deceptively slow to work with.
