The movie trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 just came out. Saying it with brevity, it is such a beautiful capstone to the monument of memories the series has been, to so many people. Find it here.
This post is kinda of an important marker-type post, so please bear with the different pacing.
My 4-1 semester is at an end. Some of the people I know actually took the option of early graduation, for them their college life will end in just a few days. Many of my friends will leave/have left the campus. They’ll undergo their last few months of college working, in short, “at some company, at some place”. Me? Due to the perks of taking two degrees and receiving an on-campus thesis offer (and cause of a tiny problem), I potentially see myself staying here for another 2 years. Oh boy!
So, that’s a lot of time. To do a lot of things. Or just waste in its entirety. To do the former and not the latter, is what I perceive this blog can help me with. Which is why I’m here.
Speaking freely, I can potentially have to construct deep differential equations, write machine learning code in Julia for aerodynamic simulations, compete in BattleCode, play and become a pro at Artifact, work on AI problems, help create video animations, publish papers and earn money. These objectives/goals are lofty. It’s just that I don’t have much do otherwise now. So why not?
Also, I went through some of the previous posts; agonized over the silly mistakes made (some were fixed); looked critically at the UI of the site (I don’t care what you say, it’s perfect I tell ya) and hope to make a lot of posts with stellar content for the future.
Sigh, this is hard.