Another very late post, I know.
So, Team #369 - Markov Chain Gang, secured a position in the top 8-12th bracket of the International Qualifying bracket of BattleCode 2018. We had a really good chance of getting a place in the Finals (& a trip to MIT!), if not for some of these reasons -
Very honestly, it was the last point that hurt the most. The “International” teams were as a whole way more competitive; most of the top positions in the daily scrimmage rankings were captured by these teams. I understand the reason why it was done (last year had almost nil local presence) but I can’t help feel a bit salty. Mainly due to the fact that despite the other problems, we had a good chance of getting into the Finals, if not for the quota.
Sigh, quotas are a sticky, volatile and frustrating point for many people in my country, including me, in general(puns). However, I can’t deny that the experience was lovely. Every single part of it, from regularly coding upto 20 hours at a stretch, the fun discussions on Twitch and Discord; the strategies and plans hatched and abandoned. It’s something I’ll definitely want to do again next year too.
Just no Docker again, please.